Friday, November 6, 2009

Uncertainty in Laramie

My first thought was to try and go deep—philosophically speaking— and make mention of a "storm on the horizon" or something extremely clever, like that. But puns are stupid.

No pun intended.

While staring at the photo above, I found myself thinking of all the hurtful things I could say about Wyoming and their fans. There's the predictable route of calling them white trash. Too easy. I could talk about how they celebrate their lack of hygiene or for that matter, their lack of wherewithal while at football games. I've witnessed first-hand 2 Wyoming fans' courtship (the male let what appeared to be a female chug from his beer hat), engagement (mustard pretzel around her chubby pink finger), make-shift union (mutual friend hugging the both of them, totally smashed telling the bride-to-be she has nice cans), consummation (memory blocked), and relationship supernova (they split on account of differing views on camo for the hunt)—all in the first quarter of the game. It's like their fans go to the games more for the opportunity to show-off their fresh kill, not-so-covered by a tarp in the parking lot, than to actually watch football. While in the stands, their entire existence is bent on ruining the game for every person within earshot, eyeshot or nostrilshot. They offend nearly every sense and my hunch is they probably do, as I can only imagine how sticky they are to the touch. And sticky on a person never tastes good.

Now, I could have taken the low road and written about all of those things, but I have too much class for that, (Thanks Huckabee) and really, it would just be me taking out my frustration on the most disgusting pieces of crap to ever crawl out from under a rock, OH HOW I HATE THOSE FROZEN TUNDRA SHEEP LOVERS!

Instead, I'm going to fall back to the philosophical thread.

Take notice of the wall of cloud in Laramie in the photo above. That's what I see in my mind when trying to picture the outcome of this game. Future unknown. Insight blocked.

I'm a Cougar fan to the end, I just don't know what team I'm cheering for, anymore. The team that beat Oklahoma, or the team that folded against TCU? Make no mistake, whatever team shows up, I will be in their corner until the end, shouting words of encouragement from the stands, and the occasional advice to guys who miss their assignments (because fans know everything).

I do not feel entitled to any wins. Bronco owes me nothing, and BYU's wins and losses aren't a reflection on my personal happiness. It's pretty simple, really. I only want to see the team play with excitement. It's fun to watch a team who's having fun, win or lose.

Well, that, and I'd really like to see the Wyoming fans take a sound thumping as they are a blight on existence.

Pun intended.


  1. Nice post. It's good to see someone take the high road. BYU doesn't owe anybody a win, but I'm watching the game now, and it looks like they might get one. (31-0 at this moment).

  2. At the half, Max Hall 16/17 265 15.6 3 td's
