Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Winning ugly is still winning

I was just telling Joe on the phone yesterday that I've been trying for a while to get back to just enjoying a BYU win, regardless of how perfect or imperfect their performance is. So many BYU fans are insecure and are constantly worried about how good their team looks to the media, and others on the "outside." He probably wouldn't approve of this, since it's a paid subscription, but I found the following quote by HB Arnett appropriate for this topic (sorry it's so long):

It used to be that if BYU lost a game or even won, but didn't play well, I couldn't sleep at night. How could the Cougars let me down?
Those days are long gone. It's Division I football.
Good teams lose. Great teams lose. Bad teams occasionally win.
If BYU played Oklahoma another 9 times this year, they would lose at least seven of those games, with or without Sam Bradford.
The Sooners now have tape of the Cougars. Who cares? BYU's win over OU was the ultimate entertainment and is one of my all-time favorite BYU football moments.
If BYU played Florida State another 9 times this year, the Cougars would likely win at least five of those games.
How can Florida State pummel BYU but struggle to whip Jacksonville State and get beat by South Florida? It's Division I football.
College football is a lot like the national political scene. Substance is gone, regardless of party affiliation. Without a playoff, we don't really know which teams can beat other teams.

Instead, it is about sound bites, snippets of video and talking heads on networks who tell us who is good and why we should think like they do.
Take away the studio hosts and sets and it is still Division I football where real teams with real players with abilities and talent are spread among all teams. Those teams then actually go out and go mano a mano on the football field.
How else do you explain USC getting beat by Washington last week and this week Cal getting pummeled by Oregon or highly regarded Penn State taking it on the chin at home against Iowa. How do explain a nondescript team like Colorado State making BYU look ordinary?
In their opening game at home this season, Iowa had to hang on for dear life and a bad opposing field goal kicker to defeat Northern Iowa.
That means that since BYU pounded Northern Iowa last year, they could beat Iowa and in turn could have beaten Penn State.
Crown the Cougars champions of the Big Ten.

At the risk of sounding like one of those talking heads, BYU is a very good football team, one of the top 25 in the nation, but they are not an elite team. They don't have a good enough defense or enough speed to bang heads consistently with the elite teams of the nation.
Regardless, they are still very entertaining to watch and follow. They are what they are. Craving respect is in my rear view mirror. What I am looking for is entertainment and some much needed recreation and relief from real life.
BYU football provides that, thank you.
BYU will win some big games. They will lose some big games. Harking back to Hawkins, "It is Division I football." That is what happens.
In the last two decades BYU has won a lot of football games and most of the time looked good doing it. That said, there are plenty of teams that can beat them or make them look ordinary just because it is Division I football.
BYU isn't the only team with decent coaches who watch film and find deficiencies they can attack and defeat.
Give any coach in the MWC a little bit of talent in the right spots, enough looks at enough film and enough times on the same field with BYU, and they will eventually make it competitive. As Dan Hawkins shouted, "It's Division I football."


  1. For those of you who don't know, HB stands for "Huncle Buh-Steve" and Arnett in English for Orrock—which is Scottish.

    Great article Steve-o, but you need to quit hiding behind the pen name and just be you.

  2. I'm letting HB do the talking for me right now, because I don't have enough time during the day to compose analytical masterpieces like you, Joe. That sounded like a major cut, but it wasn't meant to. I really do enjoy your commentary and wish I had more time to chime in. My "mouthpiece," HB will have to do for now.
