Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Guide to being a Ute Fan
So you want to be a Ute fan? Congratulations.
Honestly, I can't say I blame you. Being a Utah fan is one of life's greatest pleasures, but before you get started, you're going to need to understand there's a simple playbook you need to follow. Some people are able to follow these instructions intuitively, but if you're not one of them this guide will clearly spell out the basics of being a part of Utah fandom.
Before you start, you'll need to understand that most of what you do as a Utah fan is reactionary. We'll learn about trolling and provoking BYU fans later. As a beginner all you'll need to do is watch what BYU fans do and react accordingly.
Here's what do when ...
1. BYU does something well:
We'll start with an easy one. There's one special hyphenated word that you can always throw around as a Utah fan: self-righteous. Don't worry about what it exactly means. If BYU fans are doing something, I can promise you, they're doing it in a self-righteous way and you shouldn't be shy about letting them know or yucking it up with your fellow fans.
Outside of being self-righteous, the only other acceptable explanation for why a BYU fan is doing something is that they are unable to think for themselves. Don't consider what their actual point or intent is or even if you might agree with it. If you can't classify BYU behavior as either being self-righteous or the behavior of a mindless drone, you're not trying hard enough to classify it.
2. BYU does something wrong:
Hey! It's your big chance! You know all those rules and standards those BYU people have? This is the time to throw them all back in their faces. Try to point out all the ways that they've failed to live up to those standards; lay the guilt on heavy by pointing out how they've let everyone else down; use the word hypocrite liberally; blur the lines between trying to do something and promising to do something; ignore that you spend a lot of time and energy mocking them for caring at all about standards at all (see #1).
Luckily as a Utah fan, you don't need to worry about representing anything or anyone. You see, the real genius of being a Utah fan is you'll never have to worry about double standards, because we don't have any standards to begin with.
3. BYU does something wrong and you're an active, LDS Utah Fan:
Oh, man. This is the best! You will need to ignore that you probably have made a special effort to separate BYU from the church. When BYU does something good, it has nothing to do with the church--it's just BYU sports. But when when BYU or BYU fans do something wrong you need to take big-time offense. Those embarrassing actions are blight on your church and need to be stopped. Make a big deal about this, like writing on your tithing slip that your money should not to go BYU sports, or mentioning it Elder's quorum. Make sure you say you think the church should drop BYU sports, but point out that it's only because you care about the church's image that you think so.
Finally, there are still no double standards, so as soon as the controversy blows over go back to coming up with insulting nicknames or finding any other possible way to mock the people that only represent your church when they do something wrong. Also, you don't need to worry about your actions ever reflecting in any way on the church. Everyone knows that throughout the rest of the country no one ever associates the Utah community with Mormons.
4. A BYU fan accuses you or other Utah fans of doing something wrong:
Two easy options for this one--deny or excuse. Is there unequivocal proof of what those lily-white BYU fans are accusing you or or friends of? Well, then they're probably making it up, or just lying about it. Start with that, but if by some chance it turns out they're able to immediately prove that they're not making up the accusation up, you'll have to find something a BYU fan has done that you can kind of compare it to.
Example: Let's say a BYU fan is complaining that their head got cut open by a beer can thrown into their section at RES. First, you deny that it happened. Say something like, "that didn't happen," or "you shouldnt exaggerate." If they happen to be able to show you the scar or a photo or something you might need to stop denying and start excusing. This is done by saying something like, "Oh yeah. Well, my sister got pushed at LES." Voila. Problem solved.
You will need to avoid discussing even the possibility that there might be a shred of guilt among Utah fans. Just keep beating that you-do-it-too drum until that BYU fan accepts that since everyone has done something wrong, no one can ever tell anyone else they what they've done is wrong (without being self-righteous, of course).
5. BYU loses:
Ha ha! Just like you said they would. After a BYU loss, their fans will probably eating their own a little. This is a great time for beginner trolling. Remind them how fast Utah is or how awesome they are in big games. Just keep up with the Salt Lake media and use whatever line they are pushing at the time. Be merciless and personal in your mocking. Remember there's a time when it's more important that they lost than you won; that time is always. Look to feed every doubt they may have about their team and create a few they don't have yet. Work as hard as you can to get BYU fans to define their team the way you see them. The more you can get them to start thinking like you, the more they will do your trolling for you down the road.
6. BYU wins.
Looks like it wasn't your day, but here's the deal: they probably cheated, or the refs cheated, or they got lucky. If you get tired of arguing that they're cheating cheaters who cheat all the time, maybe you can find something they said after that game that you can take offense at or whine about. Your offense will make a great distraction from the unfortunate outcome, maybe even a bigger story than the outcome. Ignore any metal gymnastics you may have to do to take offense at the statement. The important thing is manufacture enough outrage over the statement or action that fellow Utah fans can hold onto it as long as necessary. With enough whining, the distraction will tide us over until Utah manages to win another game. Once that happens we can all go back to the advice in #5, and along with the Salt Lake media can keep telling BYU fans how the honor code or whatever other excuse we can find is going to prevent them from ever winning anything. Ever.
Well, that should be enough to get you started. Best of luck and we'll get into the really complicated stuff later, like why we dress like pirates or what exactly the source of our foaming-at-the-mouth hatred is.
"Football is not the most important thing in the world, and it's certainly not the most important thing in my life." -- Lavell Edwards
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bronco on Max: "He Spoke from His Heart..."
I had my final twice-weekly morning interview with BYU head coach Bronco Mendenhall this morning on KSL Newsradio in the "Coach's Corner." You can hear the entire interview by clicking the audio link in the "Cougar Cuts" box to the lower right.
Roughly a minute into the interview, I ask the coach about Max Hall's postgame comments and ensuing apology. Among the things Bronco said:
"Anytime the rivalry becomes certainly have a tendency to view the opponent in a much different light."
"I don't think... the venue (Max) chose to express those thoughts was appropriate, but I think he spoke from his heart and he said what he believed."
"(Max) has done his best through an apology very specific to certain elements of what he said to make it clearer."
"(Max) is a great leader, he's a great kid, and he has my support."
Asked if he respected Max for the way he handled the situation, Bronco said "Absolutely."
"The apology he issued (came) from him and no one else... if anyone thinks they've influenced his apology, that's a mistake; he woke up, did all of that on his own... I haven't talked to Max yet, nor has anyone else from our coaching staff. Max has done this completely on his own."
Asked about potential postseason destinations, Mendenhall said "basically it would just be hard for anyone to pass us up at this point."
Seeing as the Las Vegas Bowl has first crack at available MWC bowl teams, I take his comment to mean that he fully expects Vegas to roll the dice on BYU for a fifth straight year.
As a personal post-script to the Max Hall story...
I don't know him well, but I know that Max Hall is genuine. He's competitive, and he's sensitive. He always wants to do well, for more people than just himself. When he succeeds, he has no problem sharing the glory. Yet when he fails, he has no problem shouldering the blame alone.
Max Hall picked a highly visible moment to give us a glimpse into the heart of a wounded champion. A champion on that day, but wounded just the same.
What he said wasn't bluster and bravado, it wasn't manufactured "trash talk" was his vindication, it was his pain, it was his pride, and it was real.
Max Hall allowed percolating and coagulating emotions to blur the line between guilty parties and guilt by association. He attempted to rectify that mistake by apologizing, and I'm glad he did, once the light of the next day illuminated that particular mistake.
But it was not a mistake that his heart led him to say what he did on Saturday night. For it was "heart" that represented his three years as a starting quarterback, and it was "heart" that inspired teammates and coaches alike.
He was bruised and battered, on and off the field, but he never missed a game. BYU fans are sure going to miss him.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Holier Than Thou
Monday, November 23, 2009
Irritable Bowel Week

I get diarrhea this time every year.
Friday, November 20, 2009
This just in...Monkey's are still hilarious.
Friday, November 13, 2009
New Mexico Football.....
Friday, November 6, 2009
Uncertainty in Laramie

Friday, October 23, 2009
Andy Dalton's Coming to Town

Friday, October 16, 2009
Asstec Predictions

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Universe article
Last week was one of controversy for head coach Bronco Mendenhall and the BYU football team, stemming from the coach’s comments concerning fans earlier in the week, followed by the dismissal of backup safety Shiloah Te’o.
By now everyone who has any interest in the football team has heard Mendenhall’s comments concerning fan criticism, saying the level of “criticism usually matches the level of education” of the person it comes from.
This comment sparked anger in the hearts of self-proclaimed “educated” Cougar fans everywhere. These fans were outraged that Mendenhall once again confirmed his feelings for the BYU fan base.
How dare this pretentious coach discount the very group of people the athletic department relies on to patronize the team with donations, ticket sales, concessions, etc.?
A local journalist even called Mendenhall out, claiming the coach owed BYU fans an apology.This is getting a little out of hand. Did any of you ever stop to think that he was right? Put yourselves in his shoes. You are hired to save the program after the Gary Crowton debacle, and immediately take the team to a bowl game the next year, followed by three — possibly four — 10-win seasons in a row.
During this phenomenal resurrection of a storied tradition, many fans still find fault in nearly every facet of the program. Perfection is the only acceptable outcome for these fans, and anything short of it means the sky is falling.
How’s that for a thank you? Is it any wonder why this guy is tired of hearing how to do his job from hosts of people who have never set foot on a football field? I’d venture to say that claiming to be able to do a coach’s job better than he can is an even larger form of arrogance than what Mendenhall showed with his comments.
Plus, from a logical perspective, he is right. How many fans know which way a receiver was supposed to cut when Max Hall threw an interception? How many actually know what is supposed to happen in Jaime Hill’s defensive scheme?
By now we all know what we’re going to get with Mendenhall — an excellent coach and motivator whose players would run through walls. The man can give a lecture with one stare, and without saying a word. A coach who expects to be recruited, and not the other way around.
And he’s going to do things his way. He has since he came to BYU. Why are any fans still surprised when he doesn’t try to win a popularity contest? All the guy cares about is building a successful program while building solid young men. My apologies to those fans who want to feel like Mendenhall needs them, but it’s time for them to realize they need him more.
This guy’s going to maintain a successful football program his way, whether you’re on board or not. The only thing a coach owes his fans is a successful, winning program. Anything beyond that is gravy.
An apology? It’s probably warranted. But this apology needs to come from the fans, not from the coach.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
UNLV Predictions

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gay and Gayer
Let's count our blessings.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Beautiful Images of BYUs A-Team
Somehow a fan of the team up north found pictures of Dennis Pitta, Max Hall and Austin Collie. The email started with these words:
“These would make it tough to be a Cougar fan.”

“How do you Kittie fans expect us to take you seriously when these are the guys at the helm of that sinking ship? For your information, these little "cute" pictures are of Max Hall, Dennis Pitta, and ghetto NFL star Austin Collie.”
Take us seriously? It's the same thing as ‘real men wear PINK’ —only real men would take these inspiring pictures together. It's comforting to know that such confidence and grace accompanies our Kittie stars.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Terrible Tales of Tyrants
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Winning ugly is still winning
It used to be that if BYU lost a game or even won, but didn't play well, I couldn't sleep at night. How could the Cougars let me down?
Those days are long gone. It's Division I football.
Good teams lose. Great teams lose. Bad teams occasionally win.
If BYU played Oklahoma another 9 times this year, they would lose at least seven of those games, with or without Sam Bradford.
The Sooners now have tape of the Cougars. Who cares? BYU's win over OU was the ultimate entertainment and is one of my all-time favorite BYU football moments.
If BYU played Florida State another 9 times this year, the Cougars would likely win at least five of those games.
How can Florida State pummel BYU but struggle to whip Jacksonville State and get beat by South Florida? It's Division I football.
College football is a lot like the national political scene. Substance is gone, regardless of party affiliation. Without a playoff, we don't really know which teams can beat other teams.
Instead, it is about sound bites, snippets of video and talking heads on networks who tell us who is good and why we should think like they do.
Take away the studio hosts and sets and it is still Division I football where real teams with real players with abilities and talent are spread among all teams. Those teams then actually go out and go mano a mano on the football field.
How else do you explain USC getting beat by Washington last week and this week Cal getting pummeled by Oregon or highly regarded Penn State taking it on the chin at home against Iowa. How do explain a nondescript team like Colorado State making BYU look ordinary?
In their opening game at home this season, Iowa had to hang on for dear life and a bad opposing field goal kicker to defeat Northern Iowa.
That means that since BYU pounded Northern Iowa last year, they could beat Iowa and in turn could have beaten Penn State.
Crown the Cougars champions of the Big Ten.
At the risk of sounding like one of those talking heads, BYU is a very good football team, one of the top 25 in the nation, but they are not an elite team. They don't have a good enough defense or enough speed to bang heads consistently with the elite teams of the nation.
Regardless, they are still very entertaining to watch and follow. They are what they are. Craving respect is in my rear view mirror. What I am looking for is entertainment and some much needed recreation and relief from real life.
BYU football provides that, thank you.
BYU will win some big games. They will lose some big games. Harking back to Hawkins, "It is Division I football." That is what happens.
In the last two decades BYU has won a lot of football games and most of the time looked good doing it. That said, there are plenty of teams that can beat them or make them look ordinary just because it is Division I football.
BYU isn't the only team with decent coaches who watch film and find deficiencies they can attack and defeat.
Give any coach in the MWC a little bit of talent in the right spots, enough looks at enough film and enough times on the same field with BYU, and they will eventually make it competitive. As Dan Hawkins shouted, "It's Division I football."
Monday, September 28, 2009
BYU 42, CSU 23
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

#8 Speaks to how I feel at the moment.
1. 'Football is only a game. Spiritual things are eternal. Nevertheless, Beat Texas ' Seen on a church sign in
2. 'After you retire, there's only one big event left... and I ain't ready for that.' Bobby Bowden /
3. 'The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it.' Lou Holtz /
4. 'When you win, nothing hurts.' Joe Namath /
5.'Motivation is simple. You eliminate those who are not motivated.' Lou Holtz /
6. 'If you want to walk the heavenly streets of gold, you gotta know the password, 'Roll, tide, roll!' Bear Bryant /
7. 'A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.' Frank Leahy / Notre Dame
8. 'There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you.' Woody Hayes /
9. 'I don't expect to win enough games to be put on NCAA probation. I just want to win enough to warrant an investigation.' Bob Devaney /
10. 'In
11. 'You can learn more character on the two-yard line than anywhere else in life.' Paul Dietzel / LSU
12. 'It's kind of hard to rally around a math class.' Bear Bryant /
13. When asked if
14. 'I make my practices real hard because if a player is a quitter, I want him to quit in practice, not in a game.' Bear Bryant /
15. 'There's one sure way to stop us from scoring-give us the ball near the goal line.' Matty
16. 'Lads, you're not to miss practice unless your parents died or you died.' Frank Leahy / Notre Dame
17. 'I never graduated from
18. 'My advice to defensive players: Take the shortest route to the ball and arrive in a bad humor.' Bowden Wyatt /
19. 'I could have been a Rhodes Scholar, except for my grades.' Duffy Daugherty /
20. 'Always remember... Goliath was a 40 point favorite over David.' Shug
21. 'They cut us up like boarding house pie. And that's real small pieces.' Darrell Royal /
22. 'Show me a good and gracious loser, and I'll show you a failure.' Knute Rockne / Notre Dame
23. 'They whipped us like a tied up goat.' Spike Dykes /
24. 'I asked Darrell Royal, the coach of the Texas Longhorns, why he didn't recruit me and he said: 'Well, Walt, we took a look at you and you weren't any good.' Walt Garrison /
25. 'Son, you've got a good engine, but your hands aren't on the steering wheel.' Bobby Bowden /
26. 'Football is not a contact sport - it is a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport.' Duffy Daugherty /
27. After USC lost 51-0 to Notre Dame, his postgame message to his team: 'All those who need showers, take them.' John McKay / USC
28. 'If lessons are learned in defeat, our team is getting a great education.'Murray Warmath /
29. 'The only qualifications for a lineman are to be big and dumb. To be a back, you only have to be dumb..' Knute Rockne / Notre Dame
30. 'Oh, we played about like three tons of buzzard puke this afternoon.' Spike Dykes /
31. 'It isn't necessary to see a good tackle. You can hear it.' Knute Rockne / Notre Dam
32. 'We live one day at a time and scratch where it itches.' Darrell Royal /
33. 'We didn't tackle well today but we made up for it by not blocking.' Wilson Matthews /
34. 'Three things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad. Darrell Royal/
35. 'I've found that prayers work best when you have big players.' Knute Rockne / Notre Dame
36. 'Gentlemen, it is better to have died a small boy than to fumble this football.' John Heisman
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Predictions for the Gypsy Funeral

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Florida State Predictions!
But I've got to say, BYU looked pretty smokin', and I feel much better about the Florida State game after seeing them nearly choke against Jacksonville State. I know we're all superstitious on some level, and I would hate to jinx it, but I think we're going to go undefeated out of conference. There's no reason why BYU shouldn't beat Florida State (and Utah State goes without saying), especially if FSU plays anything like they did yesterday. Of course, they won't play like that, since they'll definitely pull out all the stops for a game against the Cougars that could spell redemption for their program.
However, FSU QB Christian Ponder seemed frustrated and confused throughout the entire game against Jacksonville, and that wasn't dealing with the mighty Cougars. Plus, it's in Provo. I give BYU this win by ten points.
Also, go Max! He's ranked number 4 this week in the Heisman Watch.
Friday, September 11, 2009
BYU-Tulane Predictions

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hasn't Sunk In Yet

This will be a short post as I'm trying to see my screen through tears of joy. 14-13 BYU! The exact opposite of how I thought they'd win. Who knew a defensive battle would take place? I cannot see how the BcS can argue against the MWC, anymore. The team up north beat Alabama last season and now the Cougs open up with a win over BCS darling, Oklahoma.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Quack Talking
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Fact number one: 2009 marks the 25th anniversary of the 1984 national championship season and the Utah media has been overflowing with nostalgia.
Fact number two: BYU's first game in '84 was at Pittsburgh, the #3 team in the country.
Fact number three: BYU's first game in '09 is (kind of) at Oklahoma, THE #3 TEAM IN THE COUNTRY!
Those are the facts, baby, and facts are stubborn things! It's written in the stars, my friends. You can't argue with science.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Back to Football

The first thing I'd like to talk about is Hall's state-of-mind.